Does adderall have side-effect of ocd

Does adderall have side-effect of ocd
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My adult son was recently given Adderall to help him focus. I am concerned that when he drinks, there can be problems. Is this true? How much
Does Adderall Cut Down on OCD Symptoms? Can it be Used For OCD? What consequences are there for people who take adderall who do not have ADHD
Does adderall have side-effect of ocd
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Medications > Adderall Hey, all, Just found this forum looks like it will be good. Anyway, I have a NOTE: This article does NOT necessarily reflect my

Does Adderall Make You Feel High... Like.
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Medications > Adderall I experimented with cocaine in college with extreme moderation, never impulsively or Never tried cocaine. But Adderall never made me
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